ESA Project - Water Cooled Stack For Moon and Mars Mission

The development is supported by ESA Contract 4000135394/21/NL/Cbi. “ Closed cathode fuel cells for lunar and Mars exploration missions”. This project is funded by ESA under ESA EXPRESS PROCUREMENT (EXPRO). 

The aim of the project is to supply power for space applications, which can serve as auxiliary power for rovers. This also supports the rover in performing minimal activities during lunar nights. For stacks used in space applications, only closed cathodes are possible.

These fuel cells require oxygen to be supplied from a cylinder. PowerUP’s closed cathode fuel cells are lightweight and corrosion-proof, potentially suitable for use in Mars and Lunar cargo ships and rovers. Closed cathode fuel cells are more efficient than open cathode fuel cells.

This project is funded by ESA under ESA EXPRESS PROCUREMENT (EXPRO). PowerUP is also collaborating on new projects within the ESA framework to enhance liquid cooling stack technology for portable and space applications.